Tanisha Raut

Director of Member Finances

Tanisha Raut is the Director of Member Finances of Women in Business at Baylor for the 2023-2024 academic year. She has been a part of WIB since her freshman year and during sophomore year she served as a committee member for Professional Events. This year, she has the privilege to give back to the organization and serve on the executive board. She is currently a Junior, double majoring in Finance and Management Information Systems from Frisco, TX.

This past summer, she was a Market Research and Data Analyst Intern at a healthcare technology company that focused on end to end revenue management. In the future, she hopes to work in the finance industry in investment management. Outside of WIB, she is the VP of Leadership Development and Co-Founder for the Baylor chapter of Scholars of Finance and is a member of various student organizations. She also enjoys playing tennis, cooking, and discovering food spots around Waco.