
  • This committee helps the Director of PDS Management plan the biggest event of the year for WIB, the Professional Development Summit! This committee is tasked with contributing themes and conversation topics. They will also help with the selection process and outreach for mentors and guest speakers, contributing to the detailed itinerary and schedule, set up and take down, and plan for the PDS for the next year.

  • This committee helps the Director of Media create the fun and exciting content for our social media platforms- Instagram and LinkedIn. They also help during recruiting season in the early Fall and Spring by creating and distributing flyers, tabling for Baylor's Late Night and school organization fairs, and speaking in select classes. Additionally, the committee contributes fun graphics and concepts to share with our followers as general updates, event reminders, and more. The media committee provides fun ways to share information with our members.

  • This committee helps the Director of Merchandising with the design, outreach, and distribution processes! They are tasked with passing out merchandising to our members, communicating with vendors, and contributing ideas for merchandise! Our merchandise includes hats, t-shirts, sweaters, stickers, pens- and more! The committee always has a fun time designing creative ideas for our members to enjoy.

  • This committee works with the Director of Professional Events to plan the professional events for the school year. This committee is tasked with maintaining the contacts and network of professionals for WIB. They also plan the details for many events that invite guests to be a key speaker or to be in a panel. For these sessions, a committee member may contribute to developing the questions for the guests(s) or also moderate the panel. In addition to setting up, running the event, and cleaning up, they also help maintain the welcoming and professional ambiance of the events.

  • This committee helps the Director of Service Events plan and run her events for the school year. They also help manage the details for food, communication with guest speakers and performers, and continue their outreach to the Waco community. This committee constantly works to help the chair provide service opportunities that serve the Baylor community and Waco population. WIB's philanthropy, Christian Women's Job Corp, also works closely with the Service chair and committee to help with their events. Lastly, the committee has a big hand in planning the annual Worship Night in the Fall!

  • This committee assists the Director of Social Events as she prepares the social events for WIB members. Tasks include coordinating with vendors for food and/or entertainment, designing event flyers, creating fun activities, planning fun event themes, event set up and take down, and more! The social committee also works hard to plan the annual Semi-Formal at the end of the school year. This group's goals are to have fun with the WIB members, help create lasting memories, and grow the connection within our community.