Katherine Vines

Vice President of Marketing

Kat Vines serves as the Vice President of Marketing for Women in Business for the 2023-2024. Previously, Kat served as Vice President of Events during 2022-2023 and Director of Social Events in Fall of 2022.

Kat is a senior, double majoring in Professional Selling & French. She was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. She intends to pursue a career in which she leverages her French in an international sales role and travel the world. Collaboration and creativity serve as core values in Kat’s career and leadership style; and she is thrilled to be representing WIB through marketing this year.

Kat enjoys playing piano, guitar, and singing in her free time. She also enjoys participating in her sorority, Tri Delta’s, Sing and Pigskin performances as well as intramurals including volleyball, tennis, and flag football. Baking sweet treats is also one of Kat’s favorite past times!